Thursday 9 August 2012

Feeling a bit more real

Today I had my penultimate injection (final Hep B - final rabies next week) and ordered my anti-malarials. As well as shopping and list making I have started to meet up with people for the last time before I depart, and have started to say my goodbyes.

Today I said goodbye to my friend France Alex. Knowing I possibly won't see her again for two years was a really odd feeling. Despite the fact that we have lived in different countries since we left university, I usually manage to see her at least a couple of times a year. The next few years could prove to be our longest gap yet.

We consoled ourselves with the fact that we can talk through Skype and email, and that this blog will be my way of keeping in touch with friends and family - but there's nothing like a beer with an old friend after work, and a virtual beer just isn't the same!

It's all starting to feel a bit more real now!

Friday 3 August 2012

Preparing for adventure!

Well... here it is - first post!

After waiting what felt like an eternity for confirmation, I heard last week that I will be going to Gambia on 13 September, for two years, to work as a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist. I am very excited!

I am now working through my HUGE list of things to do, which includes dental appointments, creating a fundraising webpage, handing my notice in at work, and having many many injections. The list feels endless as I prepare to depart, especially as I have the added - and rather amazing - dimension of being out of the country for three weeks before I start my placement! On the 18 August I travel to Uganda for two weeks, followed up by one week in Zanzibar, with my very best friend Alex, her fella Ed, and my great friend Kate. Whilst in Uganda, Alex and I will be bridesmaids for Kate - and in true Ugandan style the wedding is shaping up to be a very large and very special event!

But before that is the hen do, and SKWID of course, and more packing, and more preparing, and more injections.

Fundraising is also top of my list, and I am trying to think of ways to squeeze money making events into the next few weeks. My first plan is to do a bake sale at work... apologies for those of you who won't get a cake for your trouble, but if you have any spare coins that you could throw in my direction that would be amazing! The link to Just Giving is on the right hand side. VSO really are a great charity, and I am very proud to be working with them over the next two years.