Tuesday 22 January 2013

Packing list

I haven’t had much time for blogging over the last few weeks as I have been so busy with the Annual Partnership Reviews and compiling the first quarterly report for the World Bank Growth and Competitiveness project. I’ve been working long days, evenings and weekends trying to get everything done, and I am looking forward to when the APR process is over and the quarterly report is submitted!

Last night I was thinking about the little things that I am glad I brought out to The Gambia. Seeing as we have new volunteers coming in March I figured it might be useful to list a few of the more random items that found their way on to my packing list, and some of the things I wish I had packed!

Glad I have….
Wish I’d packed…
A pedegg / pumice stone.
This has been my most essential item lately. Not glamorous I know, but walking around in flip flops on sand all day has left my feet in desperate need of regular attention.
Some really good foot cream.
Nail polish – nice to add a bit of colour and cover up sandy toes.
A few more nail polish colours as I am starting to get bored with the ones I have!
A hand blender (which has been useful for soups and juices) and a really good sharp knife.
More kitchen equipment – little things like wooden spoons, potato peelers etc. You can buy them here, but it’s not really what you want to spend your allowance on!
Marmite – good for pepping up stews, soups, crackers etc and as a source of vitamins (I know I might divide the audience here).
More herbs and spices – again… you can buy them here but they are more expensive / English prices.
Lots of comfy clothes for relaxing in the evenings, and leggings for modesty under long skirts made with thin material. 
More plain black/white/grey vest tops – all you really need to go with bright African print skirts you can have made here.
Body moisturiser – essential for the dry season when you suddenly realise how dry your skin is.
Bedsheets. I have some now but I had to get them sent to me, which cost a lot of money.
Surge protector, laptop and hard drive, head torch and camera. Not unusual items but so glad I have all of them. 
More DVDs / films / West Wing seasons. I only got the hard drive very recently as a Christmas present from my wonderful parents, but it would have been good to have been able to fill it before I came.
Running gear, exercise DVDs and a skipping rope – great to be able to exercise, especially in the comfort of your own home with the DVDs.
Some of those plastic bags you make ice cubes with.
My kindle – although the VSO library in the office is well stocked.
More Tupperware.

I will keep thinking about this and add any more random things that I can come up with!

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