Wednesday 10 July 2013

Rain is coming Madam

I know it's terribly British to talk about the weather, but things have been rather dramatic over the last few days! 

After saying in my last post that it was yet to rain in the day time... well it happened. On Monday I walked to the market and the tailor, trying my best to ignore the grey clouds and increasing winds. Pretty soon, however, it became difficult to ignore a blanket of rain steadily approaching from the distance. Everyone was rushing around, frantically scrambling to get home or into transport, as if getting wet would be a disaster. One guy looked at me as he got into his car and said "rain is coming Madam" with a look of desperation and slight fear in his eyes - warning me with his body language to get home or get under some shelter quickly. 

Two things hampered my quick get away - firstly I was wearing a wrapper, and they have a tendency to cling and wrap around your legs, threatening to trip you up, if you try and walk too fast. One has to perfect the art of a gentle glide to wear a wrapper elegantly... it's either that or hoik it up at the side and stride along in an unladylike manner, which is what I do 99% of the time. Secondly I was carrying heavy shopping in both hands, which - as well as weighing me down - also prevented me from holding up my skirts and making a dash for it. So, I did as the Gambians were doing and jumped into the nearest 77, arriving home just as the heavens opened. 

The picture just doesn't do justice to the dark sky
and the heavy rain
The next morning I woke to rain, which gave way to blazing sunshine and high humidity (real feel temperature 38 degrees). But when I got home in the evening the heavens opened once again, this time accompanied by thunder and lightening. The street outside my house went from this: 

to this: 

in about thirty seconds! 

Then the road that intersects mine turned into a river! Excuse the shaky video....

Even after the rain had stopped the river just kept on flowing! 

But this morning, it was pretty much dry and back to normal again. 

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