Monday 10 March 2014

Food glorious food

This weekend I didn't have much energy for going out, and the weather was less than inspiring. So, I mostly stayed at home and to fill my time... cooked. 

On Saturday morning I cycled to Gambia is Good, a vegetable shop that's a side-arm of an NGO called Concern Universal. It sells local fruit and veg, as well as other homemade products, and sometimes has some interesting imported veg too. It's nice to go there because a) you can get slightly different things compared to the markets and b) they weigh everything and give you a very fair clear price according to what you buy... at the market when you just buy a couple of this and half a kilo of that you never really know what you are being charged, and whether they are properly scaling down for the fact that you aren't buying a fixed quantity. But mostly it's just nice to find different products, I bought beetroot the other day for example, and they often have nice green beans. 

After buying tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cabbage, beans and plantain, plus bananas, eggs and milk powder from various points along the way home, I arrived back at the house with everything I needed for the weekend. 

First up was potato cakes, with a huge salad and homemade salad dressing. 

I managed to save a few of the potato cakes and eat them later with tomato jam. I was given the tomato jam and I'm not too sure about it... it's a sweet as strawberry jam but smells (a lot) and tastes (a little) of tomatoes... odd. 

Later on I used some of the left over potato cake mixture to make gnocchi which I added to a tomato, aubergine, green bean, and a bit of all-sorts, sauce.  

Then on Sunday morning I made banana pancakes! 

After all this food I felt compelled to do some exercise on Sunday afternoon, but otherwise spent the day reading, watching films, and working on an M&E quick reference tool. A very pleasant weekend. 

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