Saturday 13 April 2013

The dreaded M

Well, as John would say, I have been welcomed into 'da malaria club'. I'm not sure I want to go back! 

Last Sunday I had a great start to the day... I had a brisk walk to the market and back, and then did my exercise video. I put on my music and started cooking beans... and by the time I finished cooking the beans I had no appetite to eat them! From then on I started feeling a bit rough, and by Tuesday morning I felt ill enough to go to the health clinic as I was starting to suspect malaria. Thankfully I got over it pretty quick - I think due to the anti-malarials I got off fairly lightly; I just had a huge headache, no appetite, bad stomach, felt a bit hot, sick and dizzy and needed to sleep all the time! 

I am better now, so normal blogging will resume from next week! 

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