Monday, 22 April 2013

Yoga jam-tastic

On the 7 April my wonderful friend and yoga teacher, Jaqui Wan, and her AcroYogis held a yoga jam in aid of VSO. The AcroYoga crew have been running charity jams for a few months now, and were open to raising money for any charity that was nominated… so I jumped at the opportunity and requested that they raise a few pounds for VSO.

The event sounds like it was a great success, and they raised £108 – a very auspicious yoga number. I am truly grateful. I don't have any pictures of the event but for a bit of an idea here are some pics from other AcroYoga events I have done with Jaqui.

Stretching in Bath!

Me 'basing' Jaqui in a park in Italy - so that she
can have a bit of time out and 'fly'.

My fundraising continues despite the fact that I am already in country, as any money that I can raise will help VSO to send other people like me out to other countries to share their skills.

I have updated my JustGiving page to show what I have been up to work wise over the last few months. I know my blog quite often focuses on the social side of life, but I promise that I have been working hard at the same time – and can see more than ever the need to support VSO and raise as much money for the charity as possible. If anyone can spare a couple of pounds, however small the amount, you will find a link to my JustGiving page here on my blog page.  Thank you in advance! 

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