Monday 16 December 2013

Catch up

Well, it has been a busy month... with a few Christmas touches, but in general it doesn't feel like the middle of December. 

The sunny weather has, like last year, prevented most of us from feeling Christmassy - a strong harmattan wind is blowing across The Gambia at the moment, bringing a layer of dust and sand and dropping the night time temperatures... but not exactly to the level that would give a Christmas time sprinkling of snow. Nicola's mum gave me an advent calendar, and Helen sent a Christmas parcel which was very lovely of her, so Christmas has peeked through the sand in little ways. 

I hosted a special 'parcel opening night' for the girls. I cooked bean burgers, we had wine - also kindly provided by Helen - and we enjoyed opening up our Christmas treats and eating cake and chocolate coins, by candlelight because the light went which is what always happens when I have people round.

Mugs waiting for wine


Mega package from Dr Helen

Complete with baobab facemasks - very appropriate for Africa
The APRs have kept me busy and I am really looking forward to the office closing for Christmas - I need a break! Also, my brother comes in early January so I am very excited about that. 

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