Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas preparations

I finished work on Friday afternoon - after waiting a few hours for some money that VSO kindly gave us towards a volunteer Christmas party - and skipped home very excited to have three weeks off work! 

On Saturday morning I met Nicola and Joe and we shopped for the party, which we had scheduled for Christmas day. We did well, and had everything done by the afternoon, so we went for a few drinks to reward our hard work and then ate dinner round at Nicola's. 

On Monday I painted a birthday card for Helen and then spent the afternoon with Ellie. We made spring rolls ready for Christmas feasts, before taking a walk along the beach to Solomans for some fish in foil with Janneke, Jaap, Joshua and Joe. (Only Js allowed). 

Before frying...

Christmas eve was our Helen's birthday, and she hosted a little party.... We had food and drink, spent some time on the roof, and generally had a nice time. The most entertainment, however, came from Helen's wardrobe. As the evening wore on Helen reluctantly changed from her lovely new birthday dress, made from beautiful fabric reminiscent of the 70s and Charlie's Angels, into her 'asobe' for the evening Mass at her church. 

Beautiful dress - complete
with birthday additions

Dressed in what she described as her granny's nightie, she was less than enthusiastic with her dress, especially when her sister Margaret came out wearing a nicer style that Helen had had made with the balance of the material. 

We all joked that Mags looked great and Helen looked 'interesting' but in truth, the dress wasn't that bad... just a slightly odd mix of styles complete with Lady Gaga-esque sleeves. Once ready the sisters went off to Mass, I went home and was invited into my neighbours house to watch the Pope's address. A lemon vodka was thrust into my hand, and I spent half an hour or so there with them, until they themselves went off to church and I hit the sack to have a good night's sleep in preparation for Christmas day!  

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