Wednesday 31 October 2012

So far this week...

...I have:

1) Felt unwell and taken a test for malaria (negative - phew).
2) Been to a gospel church.
3) Spent 11 hours in the VSO office as a panel member for the programme manager interviews.
4) Spent 7 hours in the VSO office working on my Monitoring and Evaluation presentation for the project start up workshop, which will be held tomorrow. 
5) Seen goats climbing on top of a car. 

6) Been given a mystery fruit from my vegetable guy.

7) Discovered I have lost half a stone.
8) Noticed a huge increase in tourists, and - as a result - spent more of my time convincing bumsters that I don't need a guide, that I am not on holiday, and that I really do live here.

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