Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tobaski is coming

Things are really gearing up for Tobaski. There is a strong smell of ram / sheep in the air, and every now and then you hear an indignant bleat as a ram gets herded into a new space! On my way to work I saw a man washing a ram outside his house, and when I passed through Westfield I saw about 20 clusters of rams, all containing about 30 rams each. It was quite an incredible sight. The best moment of all, however, was when I saw a live ram being loaded into the boot of a seven seven taxi! I just wish I could have reached for my camera quick enough!

This is not my picture, I found it on the internet, but it gives a flavour of what I saw this morning – and was taken in The Gambia. Just replace the rural looking location with a busy highway / trading centre and imagine stuffing a ram into the back of one of the green and yellow taxis! 

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