Friday 21 December 2012

I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas!

It really doesn’t feel like Christmas is four days away, but I am super excited about what is to come!

Saturday is the VSO Christmas party – to be held at Helen’s house – and is the day that my friend Vicki arrives from the UK! So over the last few days we have all been busy preparing – yesterday I shopped for supplies for Vicki and I, and also for the party. We are all to bring a dish, and I will be taking beans cooked with carrot, pepper, onions and tomato – Ugandan style. The plan is to hold the party at Helen’s and then go somewhere afterwards, probably Senegambia.

I think Sunday will involve chilling on the beach, and Monday I am planning to take Vicki for a pool day at one of the nice hotels – a treat for Christmas Eve. Christmas day will be spent down at the beach, and we are planning to barbecue, body board and have a bonfire in the evening – so an unusual Christmas day but a fun one I hope!

It’s strange not having the usual build up to Christmas; no Christmas music, no last minute shopping rushes, no endless cycle of Christmas parties / Christmas drinks, and we haven’t grown tired of mince pies yet!  In fact this is probably one of the few run ups to Christmas where I have lost rather than gained weight (I realised yesterday that I have lost at least a stone since I have been here – the wonders of a naturally low fat diet and lots of walking!).

Work has been busy – last week I did another Annual Partnership Review in Brikama – the last for this year. The session was at GAPD – the Gambian Association for the Physically Disabled – and it went well. There was no VSO volunteer present, as their placement ended back in June, but GAPD had invited a lot of service users to help us assess what activities have been carried out this year. Ebou and I were tired, and it was difficult to keep the energy going sometimes, but we got through it and are looking forward to having a break before we begin again next year. Now I am busy writing up the reports from all the review meetings we have held, but I hope to get everything finished by lunchtime so that I can leave for Christmas break with all the work done.

The final workshop to facilitate before Christmas break

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