Sunday 30 December 2012

Post-Christmas merriment

The last few days of Vicki’s stay seemed to go quite quickly after Christmas day. We wiled away the days by hanging out at Leybato, going to Ngala Lodge with Graeme, Jasmine and Helen to drink more cocktails, venturing into Serrakunda Market, walking to Cape Point, and buying souvenirs from Bakau craft market.

It was wonderful having Vicki here, and I really felt like I was on holiday too! It was sad to see her leave on Saturday, but I was glad that she had a great time, and I enjoyed showing her around the place I have come to consider home.

Vicki was open to everything, fitted in with everyone here perfectly, and quickly learned the three main coping strategies for dealing with unwanted male attention:
  • Be blunt / very direct
  • Make up a husband or boyfriend
  • Be evasive about how you will see each other again

She was able to put this into practice when getting through passport control at the airport – one guy asked for her number, one asked where ‘bossman’ was, and one told her he needed her to go into his office for a chat. So she said a quick ‘no’ to man number one, told man number two that the bossman was at home, and told man number three that she would see him around in the airport next time she came to The Gambia. I am so proud of her!  

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