Tuesday 26 February 2013


Today I deviated from my usual tapalapa with beans and decided to experiment with something else. After greeting my tapalapa lady (who's name I have discovered is Arakii) I asked her what she had today. I was offered accra (fried bean curd) but I know that, so I moved on. I was then offered corned beef (likely to be spam), omelette, or 'siipa siipa'. I could not for the life of me remember what siipa siipa was, so I asked her... but she didn't know the English. She said 'You know.... skin'. I decided to pass on that one, and went for bullet instead

Bullet is balls of fish (like fish meatballs) in a sauce with pasta, which is put into tapalapa. Essentially a pasta sandwich - so you can see why I only need to eat twice a day, breakfast and dinner! One of these sets you up for the day quite well! 

When I got to the office I asked Ebou to remind me what siipa siipa is, as I really wanted to believe I hadn't been offered a skin sandwich. Turns out it is shrimps! 

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