Monday 18 November 2013

From Njawara to Pakalinding

After a good sleep I woke early at Njawara Agricultural Training Centre and prepared some resources for the workshop as the early morning sun filtered through the mango trees. 

Is this evidence of the competency 'resourceful volunteer' -
cutting out loads of slips of paper with essentially a pair of nail scissors?!

The session was well attended, and like last year was as fiery as ever with strong characters dominating the show. But we got some good information, and although I found myself fantasising about stabbing some of the group members in the eye with my marker pen I remained calm!

2nd APR down (and the 27th session I have conducted since being at VSO) we hit the road to Soma, and had a nice drive as the sun was setting.

We decided to stay in Pakalinding as it gave us an easy drive in the morning to our next APR in Mansa Konko. The accommodation was nice - clean and bright, and after driving into Soma for a quick meal of chicken and chips, we all retired early. 

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