Monday 18 November 2013

Rural Development Institute and AVISU

Our third APR was in Mansa Konko on Friday, with Aisha from the Philippines. Aisha has been working at the Rural Development Institute, supporting lecturers and college staff to improve services, as well as holding her own lectures on environmental studies. 

The session was really positive, and the RDI seemed like a really nice institution. It was vibrant, and all the students looked busy and engaged. Quite a few students took part in the APR so we were able to get a good cross section of views. 

Aisha with her group

The grounds at RDI

After a huge lunch of domoda we finished up the session and hit the road once again. 

This portion was for one person.
I managed to eat about a quarter of mine.
We crossed back over the river by ferry - by this point our third time to cross. 

Abdoulie decided on a career change...

We decided to stay overnight in Farafenni, which meant less driving and more time to rest and prepare ourselves for the final session of this trip. 

We woke early on Saturday morning and drove to Kaur to hold the session with AVISU. We decided to work outside, under the shade of the mango tree, and the day went well. 

Wonjo - hibiscus - growing in
the AVISU compound...

...which is dried and used to make wonjo juice.
After a good session with Godfrey, Eliazer and the AVISU staff, board members and farmers we embarked on our final journey, and one more river crossing, to get home. We left at 4pm and I arrived back into Bakau at 9pm... where I quickly ran out the door to meet some friends and have a well deserved glass of white wine! 

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