Thursday 13 September 2012

Final hours in the UK and arrival in The Gambia

On Wednesday night Alex and I went out for a cheese and wine fest! It was the most perfect evening, and the best way to spend my last few hours in London. I made sure that I ate and drank enough red wine to see me through for at least a few months! Alex amazingly decided to come with me to the airport, and came back to stay for the night. By the time she had sorted out my packing (Alex pointed out that my ‘light’ rucksack was only light because most items were in my hand luggage… which consequently weighed about 700kg) we only ended up with about 4 hours sleep – and all of a sudden it was time to leave. I was really glad she came – not only for moral support but to help me get my 49kgs of luggage across London!

The flight was fine – but very long as we went via Brussels and Sierra Leone. I met Helen at Heathrow and the other three UK guys (John, Patrick and Robert) on the plane. We landed at about 9.30pm (it was still 30 degrees outside and very humid) but it took us an hour and a half or so to get our luggage and out of the airport. One challenge was being asked to show the baggage stickers that you get given when you check your bags in. Could I find mine anywhere?! I think only two of the five of us had them to hand, but thankfully we managed to bustle our way through and blag it. A useful lesson learned that if you fly into Banjul airport you need your luggage stickers!    

Once through the baggage collection we met three Ugandan volunteers and the VSO staff who transported us to the Safari Gardens hotel. We will stay here until Wednesday. After some fish soup and a couple of beers it was time for bed – a long and exhausting day but a great feeling to have arrived.   

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