Tuesday 11 September 2012

One day to go!

I only have one full day left in the UK!

I arrived back from Uganda and Zanzibar on Sunday and haven't stopped since in preparation for leaving for Gambia on Thursday morning. Leaving work mid-August came with mixed feelings; great to know that the adventure was starting and that I was moving on to do what I really wanted to do, but hard to leave great work friends at the same time. As a leaving present my work mates arranged a surprise cake sale in support of VSO - it was fantastic!  A total shock, but a brilliant contribution to the fundraising.
This was just the beginning...! 
Uganda was just brilliant - the wedding was beautiful, I loved the safari experience, and Zanzibar gave us the perfect opportunity to wind down and relax. Although I am sure Gambia will be very different, loving being back in East Africa as much as I did really reassured me that I'm doing the right thing, and made me even more excited about what is to come over the next couple of years.

The journey home from Zanzibar, via Dar Es Salaam and Cairo, on Saturday/Sunday was long and slightly delayed, but I woke early on Monday to spend the day and evening with friends and family. Leaving drinks at my favourite local were bittersweet - amazing to see everyone, but so sad to say goodbye. I felt really loved - I couldn't have asked for more support from my friends and family. I received some really thoughtful and special gifts, and the best leaving cake I have ever seen:

The wildlife of Gambia!
Today has been a shopping frenzy, buying up last minute bits and bobs. Tomorrow will be spent packing, before a final bottle of wine (or two) with my best friend. If I could pack her into my suitcase as well that would be perfect.  

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