Sunday 23 September 2012

Market time

After cleaning my kitchen, and chasing cockroaches out of my fridge, I went to Serrakunda market with Helen. We took a gelli there, and spoke to a nice woman who gave each of us one of her bracelets!

The first thing we did was buy tapalapa as we were both starving. I have had a few tapalapa now, mostly with egg mayonnaise, but this time I tried tapalapa filled with neebe (beans) which was very tasty and very filling for a mere 7 dalasi (14p). 

At the market we bartered like pros for Tupperware and frying pans – probably only saving a couple of quid but every dalasi counts on a volunteer allowance! I haggled a frying pan down from 400 dalasi to 175 which felt like a good achievement.

We then walked all the way down Kairaba Avenue, stopping at a supermarket for more house items like tea towels, chopping boards, coat hangers and cutlery, and then went to Safari Gardens to use the wifi and the swimming pool! John and Patrick joined us, and we played cards and drank a couple of beers, before heading to a local restaurant for some chicken afra (barbecued chicken) which cost 50 dalasi (about a pound) and a final beer before I caught a seven seven home. A very easy and happy day, and I feel like I accomplished a lot. It’s all starting to come together ndanka ndanka.  

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