Wednesday 21 November 2012

First post from England!

Yesterday I received the parcel that my Mum and Dad sent to me about 6 weeks ago. I don't think it usually takes that long to receive mail, and I must admit that I had started to doubt that it would ever arrive. But, yesterday, just as I had started to forget about it, it turned up!

I was so excited to receive something from home, and opened it up to find:

  • Bed sheets and pillow cases (So hard to get good cotton bed sheets here and I didn't receive the email advising me to bring some from home - for the first week in my new house I slept on a towel and a sarong!).
  • Haribo sweets! (You can buy them here but they are expensive, and I was missing having a little treat every now and then!). 
  • Hair elastics.
  • Shampoo and conditioner soap bars from Lush.
  • Hair treatment and lip balm from Lush.
  • Hundreds of peppermint tea bags (Again - I am sure you can get them here... but at a price). 
  • Christmas and birthday cards.

It was so nice to get a parcel from England, and although I know that it cost my folks a lot to send it to me, it made me very happy!

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