Tuesday 1 October 2013

Defa tanga torrop tey*

*It is very hot today. And every day! The rainy season is coming to an end, but we are in that horrible sticky in between part. The humidity and temperature is high but the rains and storms are getting further apart to break the heat. Yesterday it was 43 degrees. Even my forearms and the backs of my hands are sweaty, and having at least 5 showers a day is sometimes the only way to cope. 

I went to get some Deep Heat cream the other day and it poured out of the tube like water. On the back of the carton it says 'store below 25 degrees'. I guess it hasn't been below that temperature for a long time now. Then I looked at my strepsils and realised that they have turned into little pools of liquid inside the blister packs. Everything is melting. 

All I can think about is the heat. 

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