Wednesday 9 October 2013

Sprouting seeds

This week I got an exciting parcel from my Mum and Dad... seeds! 

Lettuce, beans, mustard white, carrots, mungbean sprouts,
fenugreek sprouts and alfalfa
I need to get some compost and containers for the lettuce, carrots and beans, but in the meantime I started sprouting!

First up was the Mustard cress. 

Then I soaked some alfalfa seeds ready to start the sprouting process. While reading about different types of sprouts I came across sprouting lentils... and at the moment have some lentils in my kitchen that take about six years to cook - despite an overnight soak - so I thought I would try sprouting those as well!

Lentils on the left, alfalfa on the right. First (overnight) soak. 
I decided to start slowly with just a small quantity of seeds so that I can see what effect the heat and humidity have on the process, but if these work out then I can't wait to start eating them, and can't wait to make bean sprouts. Oh to have a delicious stir-fry with bean sprouts! Fingers crossed! 

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